About Us

NextGen Septic, LLC is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Our purpose is to create and develop new technologies to address the global fresh water crisis, starting in our back yards.

The NextGen system with NextGen Septic technology was invented by our founder and CEO, Dr. Rakesh Govind. With over 30 years experience in recognition as a national expert on biological treatment of wastewater and air, Dr. Govind has consulted for most of the major wastewater treatment companies in the world and speaks globally about water reuse and global water protection.

About Dr. Rakesh Govind


It is impossible to separate the NextGen vision and overall mission from the man, Dr. Rakesh Govind, who fathered the new technology as well as perfect the existing technology necessary to once and for all rid our land, streams, rivers and oceans of the increasing plague of septic contamination, and to pioneer a path forward to replenish the Earth’s increasingly diminishing supply of clean, fresh water! These are the very cornerstones of our survival and indispensable in sustaining a modern thriving civilization. In countries where these foundations are crumbling you invariably see dramatic increases in disease, economic and social instability. Wherever there are cleaner waste and potable water systems you will invariably find a relatively healthy, happy population and a functioning economy.

Historically, there’s been a problem of choice, or more accurately a lack of choice, for waste and water treatment outside the reach of large, centralized treatment plants. Once you are outside the reach of large treatment systems your only option has been connecting a pipe from your toilet to a tank buried in a hole in the ground, then leaving the rest to mother nature. It’s not that we haven’t figured out how to do this better. NextGen Septic has initiated a pragmatic step by step plan to replace antiquated septic treatment with common sense, de-centralized, efficient and affordable alternatives that will force a critical choice on government regulators. That choice is this: If they are presented with continuing to approve failed, polluting systems versus approving a new clean technology that is designed in such a way as to provide more benefits, cost savings, and a 90% reduction in wasted water compared to legacy technology, which will they choose? Dr. Rakesh Govind believes this line is being crossed right now. Simple economics will always favor more benefit for less cost. NextGen has created a true de-centralized portable wastewater treatment and water purification system that overall offers far more benefit for an affordable cost. It is competitively priced compared to the 150-year-old septic technology that continues to waste all the water it uses to treat waste and inevitably pollutes the groundwater at an ever-increasing rate as the system ages. We believe once NextGen Septic fills the initial demand for this new technology it will slowly force out failed and outdated systems from regulators’ consideration as a viable or low-cost option. We also believe private and public funding sources will begin appearing for low-income homeowners as lenders can lien a home mortgage for loan security, greatly reducing the default risk of the loan to the prospective lenders. Rebates to install our retrofit systems in failed septic fields that effectively clean and unclog legacy septic drain fields when paired with our patented in-tank treatment system, would begin the process of stopping septic contamination into our watersheds.

Another area that can force change is how liability law can come into play when environmentally inferior technology causes significant environmental and financial damage. Hypothetically, if it’s discovered a government agency knowingly approved inferior technology that directly caused damage when there was a better, cleaner and cheaper alternative presented to them, and, If the agencies can’t make the case that the winning bid was better, cleaner or cheaper for their constituents, a case could be made for some manner of liability in such a scenario. Municipalities must also consider how environmental damage can easily spread to other municipalities, potentially involving multiple plaintiffs and the subsequent increase in damages that could occur.

Currently, we are leading the attack where the most good can be accomplished with the least number of resources and regulatory hurdles, and that is our Community Systems. We urge you to read more about them under our “Solutions/Community Systems” menu at the top of the page and you can do a deep dive in our “white paper,” “(the) Community Wastewater Treatment System,” (an Adobe Document) under “Resources/Specifications.”  With a NextGen Community System we can treat entire developments at half the cost of legacy treatment. In this arena we are clearly offering a lot more for a lot less and we feel we can attain the highest penetration into this market and create the greatest positive impact by establishing the viability of de-centralized clean waste and water treatment where none existed before. All the components of our systems are modular and allow us to scale our systems to whatever capacity is required by duplicating systems and utilizing the same parts in each additional system instead of custom building a single plant where every component is custom built to a custom scale. This is why we will positively impact this market because our small system is more efficient, easier and less expensive to construct and maintain (and by an order of magnitude cleaner), and the large legacy treatment model is less efficient, slower and more expensive to construct and maintain (and by an order of magnitude dirtier)!

Awareness is the first step in making all waste and water treatment clean, efficient technology that recycles all treated water so we can slowly replenish our disappearing freshwater aquifers. First-hand knowledge that this technology even exists will help spread the word that there is a better way going forward. We invite you to open Dr. Rakesh Govind’s Biography of education, experience, awards and honors, and the 18 water treatment patents that underpin our technology. Dr. Govind is also available to address public officials’ questions and concerns in all areas of waste and water treatment and processing. Dr. Govind’s contact information is available on the national website at NextGenSeptic.com.